Candidasa, the best place to relax and discover the real Bali 

Originally Candidasa was a small fishermen village on the eastern shore of Bali. The fishermen are still going out for fishing every morning, but since tourists discovered its charms, it developed quickly into a place where there’s something for everyone. Now Candidasa is an attractive blend of locals and people from all over the world.

About the origin of the name Candidasa exists two different statements. One explanation tells us the name is derived from an old Balinese word meaning “ten temples”. Other scientists suggest the name is given after the statue in the temple complex of the goddess of fertility Dewi Hariti, with her ten children. Childless couples often come to the temple seeking help from her. Anyway, the temple opposite the Lagoon is still commonly used by the people of Candidasa and the surrounding villages for their ceremonies. Also car- and truck drivers passing by take the opportunity to have their vehicle blessed in front of  the entrance.

In Candidasa you can spend your days in complete laziness. 
But when you have refilled your energy-sources, it might be time for some activities.
  • The temple of course is an absolute must. Observe what is going on outside the temple like people bringing and re-arranging the offers they want to dedicate to the Gods, the blessing of cars and motorbikes. Even without climbing the stairs inside you experience the feeling this must be a very special place.
  • Opposite of the police station is a small market, the pasar Batu Madeg. This is a popular place for the local people  to buy their bungkus, take-away food. The market stays open at night until the last customers have gone home.
  • Fishing and snorkeling trips can be arranged on the doorstep of your hotel, or call one of the boatsmen you find in "Facilities".
  • The clear coastal waters hide an enormous variety of fish and coral, embedded in a beautiful underwater scenery. Try an introduction dive to see whether you like diving. Also for the more experienced divers the coast of east Bali offers a lot of unique dive sites to explore. Even snorkeling feels like swimming in an aquarium. 
  • Not far from the police station is the art-studio of a talented painter, Kabeh. His work shows the many sides of his skills. He also paints portraits from pictures. On request it is possible to take painting-lessons at his studio.
  • There are nice shaded terraces where it's good to have a snack or a drink and watch what's going on and who's passing by.
  • Walk uphill and admire the breathtaking view on the village and the ocean.
  • The trekking trails are unique; there is enough to choose for every level of experience.
  • Most of the hotels and restaurants have free wi-fi, so surfing on the internet with the sound of the waves and the rustling of the wind in the palm trees in the background will quickly ease the stressed mind.
  • Choose the Jalang Raya Tenganan and you'll find Tenganan village, located on about one hour walking distance from the mainroad. This is an original Bali Aga village (See Tours & Trips for details).
  • Walk around the Lagoon and visit the elementary school and a Kindergarten. Tourists are always welcome. After 12 o'clock the schools are closed.
  • Or hire a bicycle or motorbike to explore the immediate surroundings. For motorbikes you officially need an international (car-)drivers-license.

Beside all these activities you’ll discover Candidasa is also the perfect starting point for a variety of trips to north and central Bali. And a quiet retreat after a busy shopping day in the south.