
Through the many, many years we spent in Bali, especially in Candidasa, we have build up enough experience to answer most of the requests for information. If we don't have the right answers, we can bring your question to people who are more specialized in the subject of your interest.

The information and pictures on this websites are the property of the authors and the photographers. If you would like to use any (part) of the articles or the pictures, please contact below.


Reactie plaatsen


Peter Johnson
een maand geleden

Hi. Just thought would mention no comment as promised on #jasrihijau Jasri. "Rubbish4Rice"
Maybe can do next issue. Many thanks. Its not for me its for the helpers who try to show their neighbours its not right yo drop rubbish every week.

Craig Hooper
10 maanden geleden

Hello. Is the magazine available as a pdf download? Regards, Craig

10 maanden geleden