Arrival matters                                                   Money     Visa     Vaccinations

At the immigration boot in Bali the passport will be checked. Tourists who plan to say for 30 days or less receive a free visa-on-arrival stamp. Check the date of the stamp. Visitors staying longer than 30 days, but only 60 days or less must buy an extendable VOA. For a stay longer than 60 days, apply for an extendable visa in a country outside Indonesia.
The steward or stewardess on board of the airplane will give you a Custom Declaration Form, one per family. The completed form should be handed over to the customs officer at the luggage check. Even if you have nothing to declare it is necessary to complete and hand over the form. The regulations contain no exceptional difficult or strange rules. But the punishment on the possession of narcotics and related (half)products is extremely severe. Don't gamble with your live.